Mini-symposium 'Dynamics of epigenetic gene regulation: From mechanisms to disease'

Mini-symposium 'Dynamics of epigenetic gene regulation: From mechanisms to disease'


We warmly invite you to register and attend the free SILS-EpiPredict mini-symposium:

Dynamics of epigenetic gene regulation: From mechanisms to disease
date:      Wednesday 15 November 2017
time:      15:00-18:00
venue:    Universiteitstheater; Nieuwe Doelenstraat 16-18, Amsterdam; room 3.01
host:      Pernette Verschure;


15.00 - 15.45 Sander Tans, AMOLF, Amsterdam, NL

Dynamics at the single-cell level

15.45 - 16.30 Wouter de Laat, Hubrecht Institute, Utrecht, NL

Multi-way genomic contact analysis reveals cooperative and competitive 3D chromatin interactions

16.30 - 17.15 Luca Magnani, Imperial College London, UK

Genetics and epigenetic mechanisms contributing to cancer evolution and drug resistance: a breast cancer perspective

17.15 - Drinks


On the occasion of the PhD thesis defence of Mannus Kempe 'Understanding gene expression variability in its biological context using theoretical and experimental analyses of single cells', Amsterdam, 15 November 2017, Agnietenkapel 10h00, funded by the Research Priority Area Systems Biology of the UvA.