Giacomo Corleone

Identifying personalized epigenetic reprogramming of endocrine resistance

Giacomo Corleone MSc

Early Stage Researcher 4
Name: Giacomo Corleone
Gender: Male
Country of Birth: Italy
MSc in: Bioinformatics (University of Rome, IT)


Marie Skłodowska Curie PhD Fellowship in Cancer Biology and Bioinformatics at the Imperial College London (ICL), London, United Kingdom, in the group of Prof. Robert Brown and Dr Luca Magnani

Project title: “Understanding the role of epigenetic reprogramming during endocrine therapy resistance development”

Supervisors: PI: Prof. Brown (ICL), co-PI Dr Magnani (ICL), co-supervisor: Dr Ed Curry (ICL), EpiPredict co-PI: Dr Olek (Epiontis)

PhD programme: Imperial College London, The Institute of Cancer Research


Key Objectives & Expected Results


  • To create an epigenetic atlas based on breast cancer clinical samples profiled using epigenomic techniques (ChIP-seq, DHS-seq and ATAC-seq)
  • To establish the disease/relapse predicted effect of the epigenetic profile with a particular focus on modulation of transcription factor binding
  • To develop bioinformatic tools to improve detection and prediction and study the global effect of epigenetic reprogramming using system biology approaches

Expected Results

  • Identification of functional epigenetic changes and their net effect on transcription factor binding
  • Identify novel cancer specific pathways activated in drug resistant cancer for wet lab validation

Host training: ChIP/FAIRE/RNA-seq/bisulfite-450 k, next generation sequencing, arrays, patient tissue, resistance-induced cells, FACS sorting.

Planned secondment(s): UvA: Bioinformatics/modelling (M12), DKFZ: RPPA profiling (M14-15), Epiontis: DNA methylation kit development (M29-30)